Industry 4.0


The Industry 4.0 brings new technologies for the digital transformation and its main impacts is not only on the production processes, but the way of doing business.

The massive volume of data brings the challenge of collecting them fast, efficient and safe. IIoT is part of a greater IoT concept, but focuses on the industrial sector, based on the industry floor information shared in the cloud, collected from multiple equipments, devices and multiple networks.

IIoT allows the use of numbers of different tools, which can be leveraged in many different ways, increasing the operation efficiency, allowing real time decisions by decentralizing analysis.

IASTECH holds IIoT solutions to support corporate clients in this journey.



Sharing data from multiples equipments of multiple potencial isolated areas in the shop floor is one of the requirements for the digital transformation, allowing an inteligent use of the datas. Cybersecurity is fundamental for the IIoT solutions.


In order to assure the information safety and integrity, it is fundamental the adoption of reliable communication protocols and standards and an access management control of all equipments and machines.


IASTECH is expert in digitalization, counting on an experience of implementing cybersecurity system for production control, users access management for web and all kind of devices.

Realidade Aumentada
(Augmented Reality)

The AR devices allow an efficient use and leverage of the Big Data. The oft-overlooked challenge is to bring in a visual form to a quick analysis and understanding of the Big Data.
AR takes the digital data collect by the IIoT technologies and brings it back to the physical world, by a standard and high interactive visual projection, with the effect of an Augmented Reality.


The AR allows the overlay of a virtual projection on a physical reality, enriching the real world perception.


Augmented Reality brings a number of benefits and applications within the industry, enhancing efficiency, operation performance and employees training and safety.


Talk to IASTECH to learn more about how AR can increase your productivity.

realidade aumentada


AI is based on Industry 4.0 multiples and fundamental technologies, enabling the systems development to mimic human intelectual and cognitive behavior. There are serveral different AI applications for the industry, capable of learning patterns based on historical data, projecting possible events for the future.
Machine learning is an example of an algorithm which learn and predict future production performance interferences (Predictive Function), based on historical data and identifying standards. Moreover, this technology also offers a Prescriptive perspective, identifying cause and risk analysis to support decisions to enhance the productivity.
Talk to an IASTECH expert to learn more how AI can help to reduce production downtime.

Innovative Technological Solutions

30 years providing manufacturing solution for automation and production management. Talk to one of our experts. We have the best solution for your company.

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